Art and Sustainability Everywhere: art and performance program for a sustainable world
Growing up Healthy – 5th Year
Healthy Teenager
“Breathing Healthy: systematic follow-up of children and teenagers with asthma in the Centro de Saúde Niterói, Divinópolis, MG
University Entrance Examination Free Course Consultants
Guided Tour and Spectacle at the City Theater: Cultural Memory, Cultural Patrimony in São João del-Rei
Partnership with Public Schools for the Teaching of English Language
UFSJ Support, Prevention, Treatment, and Social Reintegration of Chemical Dependants
Physical Activity for the Elderly at Albergue Santo Antônio: building parameters for functional autonomy and life quality
Physical Education and mental health: an intervention with patients with psychosis and severe neurosis at the Alto Paraopeba Campus
XXI Century Music Program
Citizenship Program with the Administration Course
Pre-incubation cell maintenance of INDETEC/UFSJ
Statistic Evaluation of Apiarian Production in the São João del-Rei Area – 2nd Year
Tele Minas Health: Program Activities at UFSJ
Doctors by a Whisker
People’s Circus Theater
Promoting Psychological Health in Public Schools: On-call services and Professional Orientation Group
There was a text on the way
Citizenship and Environmental Justice
Sport, Formation and Knowledge for underprivileged children attending the ALG Soccer School
UFSJ Cultural Center
Multidisciplinarity of Applied Robotics for the Development of Children and Teenagers and the Creation of the Robotic Olympics at the Campo das Vertentes Region
Financial Planning for Small and Average-size Enterprises
Digital Inclusion in the Noronha High School in Conselheiro Lafaiete – MG
Research, classification and follow-up of loans to small and medium-sized companies, and INDETEC/UFSJ pre- and post-incubators
University Extension Program in schools and university with a focus on Maths
University Entrance Examination/ São José Nucleus
University Entrance Examination/Bom Jesus Nucleus
The use of new media as means for the preservation of the immaterial patrimony
Accident Prevention and First Aid Program for Teachers of Public Schools in Divinópolis – MG
Culture Observatory
Science and Technology Popularization in Public and Private Teaching Institutions in Divinópolis – MG: analysis of teaching methodology in science, science perception and Science Fair Roadshow
Artisan’s narratives: memory documents of Minas Gerais
Physical Activity for the Elderly: an intervention under the light of functional autonomy and life quality with the elderly assisted by the “Lar Solidário” Reference Center for Human Life Promotion
Physical Education for the Disabled: an intervention proposal for the students at APAE in São João del-Rei
UFSJ/EECOL Partnership: intervention possibilities for school inclusion
Musical Experience Project
Communication Strategies for NGOs: a partnership between the Social Communication Dept. and “Atuação” NGO, in the district of Tejuco in São João del-Rei
African and Afro-Brazilian History and Culture: continued education course for extension teachers from Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools in the African Quilombola communities
Health Education: projecting a better future for kids and teenagers in social risk
Digital Inclusion for the São João del-Rei Community
Musical Scores and Manuscripts Editing and Digitalizing
Special Education: contributions of Psychology for the inclusion of disabled students at Conservatório Estadual de Música Padre José Maria Xavier
Psychosocial Intervention at Elderly Institutions
Sweet Life Project
Urban Projects: Mirante do Cristo and Ciclovia
Young Musicians for São João del-Rei: Ribeirinhos Nucleus
Scraps Project: building toys and telling stories at CRAS in Tejuco
Scraps Project: building toys and telling stories at CRAS in Sr. dos Montes
Digital Inclusion through games with teenagers from APAE
Philosophical Community in Elementary Education
Public Assistance Policy for Children Aged 0 through 5
Stimulating Reading and Writing in Public Schools from Other Educational Spaces in São João del-Rei
“Incluir” Project : Social Inclusion for the Disabled – UFSJ without frontiers
Psychology Practice in Public Schools: a new psychosocial intervention proposal
Mathematic Software Education
Educational Multimedia Production with mental health users from Divinópolis
UFSJ Orchestra
Accounting Assistance in Enterprises Incubated by ITCP/UFSJ
Monitoring the Growth and Development of premature infants discharged from NICU: encouraging integral care
Multidisciplinary Program on Metabolic Syndrome in Public School students in Divinópolis – MG: incidence, prevalence and health education
Digital Inclusion for the Alto Paraopeba Community
Fort of the Arts: artistic practices and expressive autonomy
Alcohol and Other Drugs Use and Abuse by juvenile delinquents
Arts and the Body: a program for the elderly
UFSJ Trombone Choir
Improving the use of Computer Laboratories in the Public Schools of Conselheiro Lafaiette
Problems with drug usage in the Family Health Strategy
Implementing Nursing Processes in the Divinópolis Public Hospital
Keeping an eye on tetanus
Health and Education System: strengthening ties and joint actions
Ceramics Studio at APADEQ
Show-visit to the City Theater: São João del-Rei theater memory and cultural patrimony
Psychoeducating: a program of psychosocial intervention in Public Schools at the Vertentes Area
Education and Social Development
Producing Digital Media aiming at introducing popular knowledge in Science education
Digital Inclusion
Social Inclusion of recyclable material collectors and environmental awareness in São João del-Rei